Effective July 13, 2016 every application for an NFA tax stamp submitted using a trust required that all “responsible persons” submit photographs and fingerprints on the new Form 5320.20 and send a notification to the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of your area of your intent to buy or build an NFA item.
A “responsible person” as defined by the ATF, is a member of a trust that either directly or indirectly has the authority to manage or direct the policies of the trust. Many other online trust companies as well as attorneys have sold or drafted documents that cause just about every member of a trust to fall into this category.
We have worked VERY hard to make sure that all the benefits you seek to protect your NFA items and other firearms are kept in place while minimizing the extra paperwork. That is why Coyote Rifleworks is proud to present the only ATF-41F “friendly” trust available! Only you as the creator of the trust will be required to send in your photographs and fingerprints while still allowing for as many other people to handle, use, or transport your firearms as you would like.
All of our existing customers have the ability to convert to the new 41F version through our online store and have the new document emailed in less than 24 hours!